> Did we told you that we ship worldwide?

> Important notice! : There's currently one week of delay between your order and shipment for all pedals.
> UK customers : Be aware that since brexit UK customs will charge you around £49 to import a Blow! with full options.



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The website is still under developpement. Some elements and functionnalities will be added during the next months, specially pedals videos and DIY pages. In the future I should sell DIY kits and pedals should be open hardware. I'll work on this during the next few months.

First pedals order will be a pre-sale: The first buyer of a pedal will allow me to command a batch of electronic cards. The first buyers will have to wait about a month before getting their pedals. After the 2nd command, fabrication delays should be reduced. I'll keep all firsts buyers informed of the delays by email.

Zorg Effects ships worlwide, but there's a limitation to max 800€ for France - 900€ rest of the world for shipping. If you want to buy more than 800€/900€, or if you live in Greenland or if you don't find your country in the list during checkout, please contact me.

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