> Did we told you that we ship worldwide?
> Important notice! : There's currently three weeks of delay between your order and shipment for all pedals. > UK customers : Be aware that since brexit UK customs will charge you around £49 to import a Blow! with full options.

Plug your condenser or dynamic micinto guitar pedals! The Blow!Blow!!Blow!!! is two preamps for static or condenser mics with a stereo jack effect loop for guitar effects pedals and two DIs. If you're a piano player, a clarinet, a bassoon, a multinstrument player, or else. the Blow!Blow!!Blow!!! will allow you to experiment with guitar pedals without loss in your sound quality. Guitar pickups being more powerful than dynamic or condenser mics, the preamps allow to attack the guitar pedals with the same level as a guitar’s pickup. The Blow!Blow!!Blow!!! is also fully configurable and can be used in a variety of cases:
Check out the manual for more information and configurations schematics. |
User's manual V1 | User's manual V2
Example with a strereo piano: Example with saxophone: |